Love Without Parole (LWOP)

The following is a dual writing project from Frankie, who is currently serving a Life Without Parole sentence, and his wife Yolanda, who in a lot of ways is doing the sentence as well from the outside. The writing is part of Silicon Valley De-Bug’s “Lockdown Love Series” — reflections about the relationships of those impacted by the walls of incarceration — our loved ones inside and the families who love them. The title,”Lockdown love”, comes from Joe and Benee, a San Jose love story – a couple who have been holding it down for each other during Joe’s years of incarceration. “Joe is my heart,” writes Benee. Joe and Benee also wanted to let other prison/ jail spouss know and feel that they are not alone and things could be done with love. Here is the love letters of Yolanda and Frankie. 

Every Year He Asks Me, Will You Be My Valentine?
By Yolanda Ledesma

Frank and I met in our early childhood, we were children playing, getting dirty, and cheering each other on at birthday parties all without a care in the world. Time went on and our paths went in different directions.

Fast-forward ten years, I was at a friend’s house and across the street lived my future Frankie. We knew each other but I wasn’t interested; he was, and not shy nor quiet about it. (Click here to read more…)